Tag Archives: Sharpening and replacing the blades in their clippers

Sales & Sharpening Scissors and Hairdressers Clippers at The Salon ,by Natalie ,Tottington

Today I was called out by Natalie and her team-Yasmin and the apprentice Darby.  I sharpened their Titanium Scissors and their Wahl clippers. These were subsequently tested on me ! Everyone was happy with the new sharp results. Natalie is left handed and said she would probably buy some new “lefties” on my next visit.

Yasmin needed a new scissor immediately, She examined three presentation cases of scissors and chose a 5 1/2″ Japanese Cobalt Scissor – I suggested she should test them to see if they were perfect for her. She did so, we agreed a superb price for her and she purchased them. Happy Yasmin. Maybe I should add “good luck with the baby when he/she arrives !”

Young Darby said she needs a new scissor , I said I would supply her with one at a price an apprentice could afford.