Visit to Cannine Cuts- Tony Johnson

Well……. I was en route to Portsmouth to get the ferry for France when Tony rang to ask for re-Training. He described his previous training has “not being good” with some company ( (I don’t know who) in the South West. So as he was only some 40 miles or so from the Ferry terminal I decided to go and help him. He has my AF/CAN honing machine and the Ookami  that he purchased on some website. They were second hand but in super condition after I had replaced his damaged honing plate. Also he has a knife grinder.

His wife Yasmeen grooms up to 18 dogs per day with some eight employees at Cannine Cuts in the New Forest. Tony and I spent two and a half hours together sharpening/servicing Andis and Oster clippers.  We “got on ” great together, good chat, good coffee etc

Tony purchases a few attachments which will be very useful to him: especially our cutter on comb pressure gauge- this enables one to re-assemble the cutter on the comb at the correct pressure of 3 to 3 1/2 lbs per sq inch.

Good Luck Tony you know how to contact me if you need me. I left him with 1 kg of White 220 grit honing powder THE BEST for the job.

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